
Vicinity map creator autocad blocks
Vicinity map creator autocad blocks

You can choose which data to export from the data tables, add as alphanumeric data drawing properties (in CAD versions, hatches details, lengths or areas, etc.), and define line and fill colors as well as line weights or transparencies in the KML/KMZ file

vicinity map creator autocad blocks

This function is not as direct and intuitive as the previous one but it will allow you to refine much more the data and properties to be exported and the appearance of the exported objects in Google Earth. The second option you can choose in ‘Spatial Manager’ is the use of the general Export Wizard (SPMEXPORT command in CAD versions), which works in a similar way to export objects from your drawing/map to any spatial file or data container (Shapefile, SDF, GML, PostGIS, SQL Server, etc., in addition to KML/KMZ) Option 2: Exporting objects to KML/KMZ through the wizard In the first half of the above videos you can check the functionality and results of this option. You can send this file to any user or partner who wants to review you drawing or map in Google Earth, and he does not need to install any special viewer, in addition to seeing the status of your project or work in 3D and its proper location The original Layers structure is “cloned” also and sub-layers for the different object types in each Layer are automatically created, allowing to easily deactivate in Google Earth fillings, contour polygons, raster images, etc. The properties of the original exported objects (Color, Line weight, Transparency, etc.) will be preserved as closely as possible, and the attached data will be exported as alphanumeric data that can be displayed and accessed in Google Earth. All point type, linear, polygonal or even raster ( only CAD versions) type objects included in the selection set will be converted to their equivalents in the KML file This tool, very immediate and intuitive, will let you select objects, a Layer or the whole drawing/map and define a few more options to generate a “cloned” file that can be opened directly in Google Earth at the end of the process. The first ‘Spatial Manager’ function that allows you to create a KML/KMZ file from your drawing or map is “Export to Google Earth” (or SPMCREATEKML command in the CAD versions) Related videos: AutoCAD / BricsCAD / ZWCAD / Desktop Option 1: Publishing to Google Earth ‘Spatial Manager’ provides you with two powerful tools to bring your drawings or maps to Google Earth

vicinity map creator autocad blocks

Google Earth is one of the most popular platforms for 2D and 3D visualization of spatial and geographic information, not only because it is free and very accessible to any non-expert user, but also because of the included tools and the frequency of updating the maps. CAD L1 (Basic) Desktop L1 (Basic) Export Google Earth (KML)

Vicinity map creator autocad blocks